Are you ready to have a calmer child and find parenting easier in the next 12 weeks?

When parents of highly sensitive children plug into my easy-to-follow step by step plan, they see their child become calmer and more resilient in ways that make daily life easier and gives them time back for themselves.

The home sounds quieter, it feels calmer, and parenting looks more like how you imagined it would look when you chose to have children. Your parenting stress matches what looks like that more ‘normal’ level of your friends.

The Connected Pathway

At The Connected Pathway, I provide a sanctuary for parents who feel overwhelmed by conventional parenting strategies that don’t resonate with their experiences or the needs of their sensitive children.

Does this sound familiar?

Every day revolves around your child’s meltdowns or inability to go places or be flexible with plans, meaning the whole family feel trapped and you feel like you’re constantly walking around your child on eggshells. 

It’s all feeling draining- you’re constantly feeling like a failure as a parent and asking yourself why you can’t help your child feel better. It feels like you’ve tried everything and still nothing works.

You’re anxious about your child’s future and wondering how they will cope if they keep feeling and behaving the way that they do now. 

I completely understand how you feel. This is so hard right now.

And what makes it feel even harder is when you are also highly sensitive; being around that level of stress 24/7 without any time for yourself is exhausting beyond belief. Whilst I help parents that are not highly sensitive; those that are find such relief in knowing that there is a solution to all of this and that calmer days are coming.

You’re not alone…

I speak to parents every week who come to me with these challenges.

One of those parents was Anna. She came to me because her 5 year old son couldn’t attend school due to anxiety.

Anna felt triggered by his big energy and meltdowns. She’s a psychologist and yet she still couldn’t change how he felt.

She honestly felt like she’d tried everything.

But she hadn’t 😉

We worked together for 8 weeks and her son went from needing to stay home 50% of the school week and having angry meltdowns, to being able to attend school every day with no anxiety and no longer hitting his parents but telling them that he loved them.

One of her recent text messages to me said:

I have many stories like this, and I want this to be a beacon of hope for you!

Because so much can change for you in just 12 weeks!

And this is exactly why I created…

The Connected Pathway

The transformative program, tailored specifically to parents who want to calm their child, build their resilience and enjoy family life again, without adding more to their plate and using more energy.

Find parenting easier so that you wake up feeling calmer, with more energy; looking forward to the day and wanting to be around your child

Never again be left confused or worried about how to respond to your child when they’re anxious- when you follow my steps you can let the program do all the heavy lifting for you, meaning you are left to relax, spending time with your child, having fun and enjoying family life

Feel relieved knowing that you have someone on your team helping you with your child, so that the pressure is lifted from you and you no longer feel alone carrying the weight of your family

Claw back some time for you. Now that your child isn’t needing you 24/7 because they’re calmer, you get chance to just be alone, dry your hair alone or go into the next room alone. Shhh…what’s that noise? It’s the sound of silence in your mind. It’s calmer… your thoughts have stopped circling around. It’s peaceful. And when the novelty of just being alone at times in your home wears off, you’ll then get time to get out and do things you love again.

This isn’t like any program you’ve seen or experienced before…

I’m sure you’re sat there thinking you’ve heard it all before and you’re wondering how this program could be any different than everything else out there.

Well, let me share a few things with you…The Connected Pathway is like no other program out there.

Not only have I designed this specifically for parents of highly sensitive children based on my personal experience of being a highly sensitive child, 15 years experience of working with thousands of parents worldwide and successfully showing them how to calm their child in over 90% of cases, but most other programs out there will leave you…

Going round in circles

Most parents come to me telling me that their child has seen a therapist or play therapist and nothing has changed. The reason that your child doesn’t progress months later is because the program you’re on or therapist you’re seeing doesn’t know how to resolve the REAL reason that your child feels the way they currently do.

They’re dabbling with trying to help your child ‘manage’ their emotions. That doesn’t resolve the real underlying issue that’s causing your child’s feelings and behaviour. And very likely they have little experience themselves being a child with an extra sensitive nervous system and they don’t specialise in showing parents how to support that kind of mind and body.

Lost for answers and feeling helpless

Your child visits their therapist while you sit in the car and wait for them. This means they get support for that one hour but the rest of the week you are left not knowing what’s going on for your child and still non the wiser as to how to actually calm them in the middle of a meltdown or help them feel like they can go to school or sleep on their own or whatever it is that you’re personally dealing with every day.

Feeling overwhelmed with information

You’re already busy and feeling like you can’t take on anymore right now. Many programs become something else to add to your do to list and provide no support for you as the parent so that you can learn how to feel calmer around your child, instead of just relying on them to feel calm. They also can feel too serious and heavy; leaving you feeling like you need to look like you have it all together and feeling under pressure to be a ‘perfectly calm parent’.

Often professionals don’t show their true personality themselves which can leave you feeling like the whole thing is heavy and not enjoyable. During stressful times you need someone who is very confident that they know exactly how to help you and someone who will help you feel understood and relaxed from the get go.

The Connected Pathway

The Connected Pathway is about taking the mystery out of your child’s meltdowns, providing you with the skills to forever know how to support your child throughout the entire childhood and ultimately giving you your family back.

Calmer conversations

No more walking around your child on eggshells while they go from 0-100 over the seemingly little things. When you put my framework into action, your child will naturally begin to calm and you will see them be able to talk to you about their feelings in a calm and more rational way, so that you can feel great about knowing how to help them.

Calmer days out with your family

As your child feels calmer and more able to handle every day things, you will feel confident about booking that next holiday or weekend away with no more thoughts of “is this more hassle than it’s worth.” You will be able to enjoy time away and days out as a family, without it feeling like an energy drain.

You'll feel like 'a team' with your partner

As you both take part in the steps I teach you, you’ll see how much calmer you both feel; feeling equipped with things to do rather than feeling helpless and lost for answers. You’ll feel like your partner listens to you and understands more how your child feels.

You will find that you get more time back together and arguments become a thing of the past as you now know how to solve your biggest stress- how your child feels.

Calmer you

Now that you know how to talk to your child in ways that calm them, and you have me on your team to support you, you will feel calmer. You will wake up with calm, knowing how to handle your child. You will no longer feel alone or like it’s ‘just you’ that is experiencing this. And you will no longer be worrying about what your parents think, or what school thinks…you will know how to handle it all.

So let’s talk about your investment in learning how to make all of this a reality.

Right now, you can join The Connected Pathway and the investment is just £1,997.

Let’s look at the details…

Your first 8 weeks...

“No more survival mode”

PRIVATE and Tailored 1-1 Progress Plan and 1-1 Coaching (worth £1500.00)

Step by step focused plan to follow for your first 12-16 weeks

Working with the “back of the brain”; the unconscious mind- training your child’s brain to drop that habit or repetitive fearful response meaning as a result, their current fears and behaviours melt away as they become calmer and more resilient as each week passes by.

This includes:

3 x 90 min 1-1 private meetings; completion of an in-depth child mind profile to give us a detailed view of where your child currently is in various areas of their life; school, home, friendships, emotions such as anxiety and anger, physical wellbeing, sleep, behaviour etc. We will use this over the coming weeks to measure change and progress.

A step-by-step plan to follow for 90 days - watch your child’s confidence and calm increase in obvious ways (making your whole family sigh in relief). Get your hands on the proven and tested method for seeing your child’s anger and/or anxiety reduce by at least 50% in 8-12 weeks.

Simple 2 min method done each bedtime while your child sleeps - reach the ‘back of the mind’, rewire core beliefs and let this method do all the heavy lifting for you. Therapists are training with me to learn this information to teach their clients - you get this training with me so that you can feel confident that you’ve got everything you need yourself to calm your child’s mind and body.

Actively change the way your child thinks on a very deep level and gift them a confident and calm brain - for life! Get their brain working FOR them with confidence and inner resilience and watch how things become smoother throughout all their transitions and life experiences over the coming years. The work that you do now will pay off year after year.

Ongoing evaluations done with me to monitor your child’s increase in calm and confidence along the way

Weekly check in email / text meaning you’re fully supported with 1-1 check in’s during those first weeks.

Month 3-6

“Calm Child- Calm Parent- We BOTH get to feel calm.”

The complete ‘trigger free’ parent package- to feel calmer around your child AND send them signals of calm and safety to increase their levels of calm and confidence (worth £997)

  • Learn how to rewire YOUR thoughts and feelings so that you feel calmer around your child.
  • Tools you should have got as a child to navigate the world with a sensitive nervous system.
  • See your childhood differently so that you see YOURSELF differently. Learn ways to calm your nervous system at the same time as you support your child. This calmer feeling transfers to your child naturally. No more heavy, pressured feeling of ‘got to help my child so history doesn’t repeat itself’. Just you and your child feeling more supported, and more relaxed.

6 Months

Support Group, private forum, and group coaching calls access (Value £2,999)

Working with the “back of the brain”; the unconscious mind- training your child’s brain to drop that habit or repetitive fearful response meaning as a result, their current fears and behaviours melt away as they become calmer and more resilient as each week passes by.

  • The 3 times a month ‘Ask Jen’ group calls to get questions answered; the vault of mini audios and videos regularly updated in real time to up level your parenting skills on the go, the ‘hands on’ support with me on the group calls and in the private forum, the monthly check in child evaluations to monitor progress and support you, the forum of dedicated parents who understand you and are there ready to help you rise, this is all part of my Support Group System that costs £2,999.
  • For a full 6 months you have me on hand to help you if you have any problems arise with your child while you’re working through my framework.

Plus - you get access to this SUPER BONUS!

Calm Nervous System Accelerator (Value £697)

  • Learn how to calm your child’s nervous system with daily sensory therapy exercises- it’s like melting away stress in their body so you both enjoy calmer interactions each day.
  • Group calls to get sensory support for your body in real LIVE time. This is normally a stand-alone service, but if you join the program before Sunday, it’s yours – for FREE
  • Watch mini 2-3 min videos /listen to mini audios designed to give you practical tools to support your child’s sensitive nervous system, while you go about your day.

The Ultimate Solution

 I’m confident enough to say that when you immerse yourself in this program, you won’t need to invest any more money or time into other things. This IS everything.

I’ve literally learnt from so many different mentors and done the work for you to make this an easy, straightforward pathway. And at a fraction of what I paid to learn it…

The full value of this program is £6,193

Right now, for a limited time, you can get FULL access to everything listed here for £1,997.

Here’s what some of my recent clients have experienced by following this program:

And Here’s How I Know This Will Work For You...

The Connected Pathway is like nothing you’ve seen or experienced before.

It’s not a program that is full of “fluff” and generic advise that has no specific guidance for highly sensitive children and leaves you seeing no change months down the line.

This isn’t a program that’s going to require your child to do lots of talking with someone they don’t know and one that will teach them lots of relaxation techniques that their brain isn’t going to be able to remember in those moments of big emotions.

This is a program specifically created by a woman who has experienced life as a highly sensitive child and has gone on to create a framework that gives parents the step-by-step roadmap that they need so that they can finally enjoy the feeling of seeing their child feel calmer and more resilient, making daily life easier and happier.

Let me ask you a question…

If all this program did for you was…

Finally helped you to calm your child so that their general base line of calm increased, so that you could finally relax in your own home- no longer walking around them on eggshells, would this be worth it?

Gave you peace of mind that every day that you woke up, you knew how to support your child in ways that would recoup some of your energy and give you time back for yourself....would this be worth it?

Gave you ALL the tools you will ever need to parent your highly sensitive for the rest of their childhood years AND produce a long-term calm body and mind for your child that will help them face all of life’s obstacles with more resilience, meaning you never again have to worry about their future, would this be worth it?

Insured that your marriage was more likely to be happier and calmer in 5 years’ time and that your relationship with your child was more guaranteed to be a close and loving one in 5 years’ time, would this be worth it?

YES...Of Course It Would!

And because I’m so confident that this program WILL change your family’s life, I am going to guarantee your success. Put simply – I won’t let you fail…

If I see you put everything I’m going to teach you into action and you don’t see the change that you are wanting for your child by the end of the 6 month period of this program, I will carry on working with you until they get there…at no extra charge.

This has never happened before but I want you to come into this program with full confidence that this can really be THE program that makes all the difference for your family and ends the ongoing struggle that you’ve all had, and that I’m so  confident in this, that I would offer to keep working with you at no cost if you didn’t get the changes that I am talking about today.

Over to you now…

As I say, the investment in making all of this happen for your child, yourself and your family is currently £1,997 and you can get started right now for just £345.00 on the monthly payment plan.

You’ll see on checkout that this is a 6-month program with an option to leave or continue thereafter. We will email you to remind you once that 6 months is up. Even though you’ll probably really want to stay once you see what changes for your family…

I can’t wait to start working with you in the program and watch you make huge changes in the coming weeks!




If you want a little bit extra of my expertise…here’s how you get it…

Choose the Pay-In-Full option and get one week of PRIVATE 1-1 coaching with me. (worth £450.00)!!!

Use this 1-1 voice or text coaching anytime during your first 8 weeks for tailored support focused completely on you and your child.

Click below to get signed up and I will see you inside the program.


Get one week of PRIVATE 1-1 coaching with me. (worth £450.00)!!!

One Upfront Payment

6-months access to The Connected Pathway program for a discounted price then membership continues at the regular rate until cancelled.

£1,997 then £332pm

6-month term then monthly rolling

Monthly Payment

6-months access to The Connected Pathway Program is paid monthly, followed by a 30-day rolling membership until cancellation. 
