The Calm Place

Do you have a calm place to take yourself to when things feel heavy? At The Calm Place I’m providing a place for you to feel some calm and feel nourished and supported. 🫶 🤗

The Calm Place

Do you have a calm place to take yourself to when things feel heavy? At The Calm Place I’m providing a place for you to feel some calm and feel nourished and supported. 🫶 🤗

I know that you often come to me for your child first, but the truth is that if you don’t know how to support yourself to feel calm, we can’t really support your child fully anyway because your child learns from you what calm looks and feels like.

YOU are just as important as your child. Has anyone ever told you that? ♥️

YOU deserve to feel calm and nourished inside too. ♥️

 As you allow yourself to receive this and feel this level of calm, your child and those around you will benefit.

Especially if your child is sensitive, they’ll sense a shift in your energy and emotions by being around you.

If we’re going to help children around us feel calm, we must include ourselves in this too- because we are all connected and feel each others emotions.

In this calming 45 mins together, I’m going to create calm for all of us.

Think candles, think cosy blankets, think quiet.

Take yourself to your calm space by relaxing your mind and body in a group of likeminded individuals.

During these calm sessions, I will be using a mixed blend of calming tools such as Yoga Nidra, Visualisation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Breath work.

I’ll be providing a space for you to take your mind and body through a calming experience as you gently allow every fibre of your being to let go…

You’ll have the space to feel deep peace in your mind and body by using the tools that I share each session.

Lay back on your sofa or bed and put your headphones on. Everyone will have their cameras and microphones off and muted so you can kick back and enjoy this time to relax and teach your body how to feel calm.

As you do this for yourself , it will not only benefit you but it will ripple out to those in your family. 🫶

As you learn to calm, you naturally teach your child how to calm and lead your whole family to calmer shores.♥️

We’re not meant to do this life alone because we aren’t alone.♥️🤗

Are you ready?

I look forward to spending this time with you.

Find and book a session here