Connecting Conversations that Calm Your Child Class

Learn how to have connecting conversations with your child that actually calm them.

The Calm Child Clinic

Learn the secrets to calming a highly sensitive child… and calm their big emotions by 60-80%. The Calm Child Clinic will start on the 26th March.

Hi! 👋

Do you have a child aged 4- 14 years who is hitting, angry, not sleeping, anxious, avoiding school or other activities and feeling lots of worries? 😟

Is this you with your children?

If you've nodded and answered "YES" to any of the above, get along to my exclusive 60 min parent class for sensitive children and listen to me walk you through 5 ways to talk to your child when they feel anxious...

I want you to have this information!  I’m going to share one phrase that helped one Dad calm his son’s usual 40 min to a short 5 min! Yep…with one change in his approach…

Connecting Conversations that Calm Your Child Class

Date: Tuesday 21st May 2024

Time: 2pm – 3pm GMT

Location: Zoom

Register below to join me live or get access to the replay for 5 days if you really can’t attend live.

I don’t run many of these sessions, and it’s information I usually keep for my private clients who pay for the service, so it’s an opportunity you definitely want to put in your diary. 😀

See you there!